Section 2 The Story Of Creation - 03 The Origin And Nature Of God

Who is God?

For those who do believe in the existence of God, our struggle is in answering the question: Who is God? Depending on one’s religion, the nature and identity of God varies. We also have different opinions, even among Christians, on what God is like, His nature and His character.

It is in the answer to these questions where disparity arises. Unfortunately, these differences in beliefs have caused hatred, violence and dissension amongst us for many generations.

How can we live in harmony? First we need to know we are all madly in love with the same God.

-Saint Thomas Aquinas

Then, there’s the question of Jesus. Who is Jesus? Is He the actual son of God, God himself, a prophet, a highly ascended spirit or just some person claiming He was more than just a man?

And, what about the Holy Spirit, is the Holy Spirit a third God?

When one asks what the dogma of the Holy Trinity is, the reply is: “It’s a mystery.”

The Holy One, Blessed be He, said to those, You want to know my name? I am called according to my actions.

When I judge the creatures, I am Elohim, and when I have mercy with My world, I am named YHWH.

Exodus Rabbah 3:6


God's Statement:

I will tell you My name.
Then, I will tell you your name.
My name is…

I was in the Blessed Sacrament, when He gave me the first name - Elijah or Elias meaning, My God is Yah (The Lord). I didn’t quite figure out why He gave me the name of this prophet until much later. He was telling me: “I AM the Lord, your God.” Since I was in the Blessed Sacrament chapel, unbeknownst to me, He was also telling me, I Jesus AM the Lord, your God.

Following are His names that He gave me. Every time God would give me a name, He would also give me His definition of it.

Jesus Christ - the Hebrew name of Jesus is Yeshua, meaning He who saves. Christ means the anointed one.

The Father - the meaning is discussed later

My Father - the meaning is discussed later

The Holy Spirit - the meaning is discussed later

The Holy Trinity - the meaning is discussed later

AGLA - "a notariqon (Kabbalistic acronym) for Atah Gibor Le-olam Adonai, 'You, O Lord, are mighty forever.'"3

YHWH - meaning: It is My identity. I Am the I AM.

ElohimGod, the creator. Elohim is the first name of God in the bible.

El - meaning: The one God

Eli - meaning: My God

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